Welcome to The Dog Park Barker!
Hello, and "woof"! DogParkBarker.com is the online version of the handwritten newsletter that I make and hang up at the dog park in my town every month. The paper version of The Dog Park Barker is an educational newsletter located at Cubby's Dog Park , in Pleasanton, California. I created The Dog Park Barker because of my friends at the dog park, who so greatly influenced my obsession with dogs. These newsletters help provide residents of Pleasanton and surrounding areas with training advice, tips on being a great dog owner, and the latest news from the dog park. Other features include information about dog breeds around the globe, "pup quizzes", jokes, news about local events benefiting our canine friends, and more! My mission with this website is to enable all dog owners to take great care of their dogs, so our dogs can have the best lives possible. By doing this, it will make the world a b...